Competition Voting Page!
Your Soul Country Music™ Star Votes Count! In a groundbreaking move, fans across the nation can vote online free of charge. You can help launch the career of a Black Country Music Artist, forever shaping the future of country music.
Here is your guide to vote for the next Soul Country Music™ Star.
1. City Selection: Begin by choosing the city where you wish to cast your votes in either Los Angeles, Atlanta, Fort Worth or DC Maryland for the Soul Country Music™ Star.
2. One Vote per City: Remember, you can only cast your vote one time for each city, so make each selection count!
3. Contestant Line-up: Each city will feature ten (10) contestant video performances for you to review.
4. Choose Your Top Six: After reviewing them all, please select your top six (6) favorites from the contestants in your chosen city.
5. Cast Your Votes: Once you've made your decision, simply click the (VOTE) button at the bottom of the page. That will take you to the official ballot to vote by checking the box on the photo of your top six (6) favorite artists.
6. Submission and Counting: After clicking (SUBMIT), your votes will be counted towards finding our next Soul Country Music™ Star .
Thank you for joining us on this adventure and for being an essential part of the Soul Country Music™ Star Voting!